“You don’t have a vote”: On the fate of H1-Bs and Qatar

Samosa Caucus
Samosa Caucus
"You don't have a vote": On the fate of H1-Bs and Qatar

Raghav and Salas talk about the fate of the H1B visa under the Trump presidency. And what current H1B visa holders face in trying to make their way in America with limited rights.

We also break down the Saudi Arabian blockade of Qatar and how it affects South Asians living in the region. On this, Raghav has some first hand experience.

For more Samosa Caucus, visit : http://samosacaucus.com
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Find Salas online: @salasks

Incoming Fresh(wo)man Inspired by Sen Kamala Harris

“Having Sen Harris as an example of what it means to be the living, breathing product of such a prestigious historically black institution fills me with pride and confidence as I prepare to attend Howard in the fall.”

Tan Dhesi vows to be Sikhs’ voice in British Government

“There has never been a turbaned Sikh MP here, weird as that sounds. It is trailblazing. I could feel extra expectations,” the 38-year-old MP said at Portcullis House in London.

On the rights of Sikhs to wear turbans, Dhesi said, “It is important we take the lead in Britain to enshrine those rights, so that others around the world may follow. I will raise a voice for those Sikhs in Europe or elsewhere who cannot wear their articles of faith”.

Source: tan dhesi: MP Tan Dhesi vows to be Sikhs’ voice | Chandigarh News – Times of India

Imam Calms Situation, Apprehends White Terrorist

Sad day, with a white terrorist (officially an act of terror) in London driving into a group of people leaving a mosque after prayers.

After the incident, Imam Mohammed Mahmoud stepped in to make sure the police could apprehend the white terrorist.

From the Washington Post:

Then, something remarkable happened: An imam from the mosque outside of which the attack took place came outside and persuaded the angry, grief-stricken crowd to practice peace, not violence.

Mayor Sadiq Khan told Sky News that Mahmoud’s actions “calming things down” were “what I’d expect from a good faith leader, from a good Muslim leader.”

Kamala Harris Defies Stereotype

In the criminal justice world, Harris is a divisive figure, too progressive for the law-and-order diehards and too draconian for those who embrace comprehensive change. … She launched a program that offered first-time drug offenders the chance to earn high school diplomas instead of going to prison. She also battled the release of inmates from California jails the Supreme Court had pronounced overcrowded.

Varadkar called to condemn ‘racist’ remarks

Limerick councillor Stephen Keary, a local leader in Prime Minister Varadkar’s party, came under fire for racial remarks directed towards Eastern European immigrants.

Said Keary, “People have come here from Eastern Europe for the handouts. It has become a huge problem”. Keary is slated to become mayor of Limerick as a member of Fine Gael, so the comment comes at a critical time.

Members of the Solidarity and Labour parties have accused Varadkar of “emboldening” Fine Gael’s reactionary wing.

Keary defended his remarks, saying: “When a person from another country comes into our country without work, and who has never worked before, they do it for the social welfare benefit and all the trimmings which go with it.”

Interesting to see the racial dynamics play out in Ireland – where Eastern Europeans are seen as the underclass, and Varadkar’s elevation to the highest office in the land is seen as giving cover to racially-driven attacks coming from within his own party.

Priyanka Chopra’s Philanthropy

Chopra runs her own eponymous foundation in India providing education to the underprivileged. Philanthropy is almost second nature to her.

“I was raised in a home that always gave back. Every summer, my parents, both doctors, would go to villages in India in an ambulance and my job as an eight-year-old was to assist the pharmacist; it made me conscious of the world around me.”

www.forbesafrica.com www.forbesafrica.com

Politics run in Leo Varadkar’s family

Politics, to some extent, runs in the family. Two of Mr Varadkar’s uncles were imprisoned for campaigning – peacefully – for Indian independence. Ireland became a republic in the late 1940s, around the same time as Britain withdrew from India.